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45.2 (Spring, 2017)

From the Editor, 1


  • Teófilo F. Ruiz, “In Memoriam: Angus MacKay, 1939–2016”, 5-8
  • Elizabeth Spragins, “Embodied Authority: The Virgin, Audience, and the Body of the Devotee in Marian Miracles”, 9-38

Critical Cluster: Redes Petristas: Networks and Memory of Pedro I of Castile

  • Rosa M. Rodríguez Porto and Sacramento Roselló Martínez, “Redes Petristas Project: Mapping Petrista Networks Past and Present”, 39-52
  • Covadonga Valdaliso Casanova, “La historicidad y la historiografía sobre Pedro I de Castilla: Crónicas perdidas y memorias construidas (siglos XIV a XVI)”, 53-78
  • Bretton Rodriguez, “Competing Images of Pedro I: López de Ayala and the Formation of Historical Memory”, 79-108
  • Óscar Perea Rodríguez, “Pedro I y la propaganda antipetrista en la génesis y el éxito de la poesía cancioneril castellana”, 109-132
  • Elena Paulino Montero, “Architecture and Artistic Practices in Fourteenth Century Castile: The Visual Memory of Alfonso XI and Pedro I under the First Trastamaran King”, 133-164
  • Ana Echevarría Arsuaga, “Redes femeninas en la corte castellana: María de Portugal (1313-1357)”, 165-190
  • Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida, “‘Y aún aí no las dejaba estar seguras el temor del Cruel Rei’: Pedro I, la santidad femenina y la orden jerónima en la hagiografía de María García de Toledo”, 191-208
  • Ricardo Pichel Gotérrez, “La Historia troyana de Pedro I y su proyección en la Galicia atlantista”, 209-240
  • Clara Pascual-Argente, “‘E el señor de Galicia era del linaje de Troya’: El Victorial and the Cultural Memory of Petrismo”, 241-266
  • Clara Estow, “What’s in a Name? Reflections on, and Echoes of, the Reign of Pedro I of Castile”, 267-278

Textx & Translations

  • Isabelle Levy & David Torollo, “Romance Literature in Hebrew Language with an Arabic Twist: The First Story of Jacob ben El‘azar’s Sefer ha-meshalim”, 279-304


  • Domínguez, Frank A. Carajicomedia. Parody and Satire in Early Modern Spain, with an Edition and Translation of the Text. Reviewed by Eric Woodfin Naylor, 305-308
  • Cocozzella, Peter. Text, Translation, and Critical Interpretation of Joan de Roís de Corella’s Tragèdia de Caldesa, a Fifteenth-Century Spanish Tragedy of Gender Reversal. Reviewed by Christina E. Ivers, 309-312
  • Bayo Julve, Juan Carlos ed. Història de Jacob Xalabín / History of Yakub Çelebi: A critical Edition, with an Introduction, Notes, and English Translation. Reviewed by David Arbesú, 313-317
  • Hazbun, Geraldine. Narratives of the Islamic Conquest from Medieval Spain. Reviewed by Francisco Marcos-Marín, 318-320
  • Martínez, H. Salvador. Filosofía de Virgilio de Córdoba. Aristotélico-averroísta del siglo XIII. Reviewed by Miguel Pérez Rosado, 321-325
  • Boon, Jessica A. and Ronald E. Surtz eds. Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481-1534: Visionary Sermons. Reviewed by Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez, 326-328
  • Martínez, H. Salvador. El humanismo medieval y Alfonso el Sabio. Ensayo sobre los orígenes del humanismo vernáculo. Reviewed by Joseph T. Snow, 329-338

John K. Walsh Award, 339-342

Past Editors of La corónica, 343

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A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
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