Alan Deyermond and David Hook. The Afrenta
de Corpes and Other Stories, 12-37.
Alan Jones. Sunbeams from Cucumbers? An
Arabists Assessment of the State of Kharja Studies,
Dorothy Sherman Severin. Aristotles
Ethics and La Celestina, 54-58.
Oro Anahory-Librowicz. Creación
poética en tres versiones sefardíes del romance de
Espinelo, 59-64.
Francisco Mendoza Díaz-Maroto. Una
colección inédita de romances españoles, 65-67.
Harold G. Jones. The Romance Atal
anda don García / por una sierra adelante, 95-98.
Helen McFie. The Medieval Debate Between Wine
and Water in the Romance Languages: Tradition and Transformation.
Abstract. Diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1981. Director Samuel G.
Armistead. 115.
Dennis P. Seniff. Report from the Seminary of
Medieval Spanish Studies, 116-17.
Thomas A. Lathrop. The Evolution of Spanish: An
Introductory Historical Grammar. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 1980.
Reviewed by Steven N. Dworkin. 86-88.
Ruiziana: Research Materials for the Study of
Libro de buen amor, ed. R. Mignani and Mario A. Di Cesare.
Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1977. Concordances and Texts of the Royal
Scriptorium Manuscripts of Alfonso X, el Sabio. Madison: Hispanic Seminary
of Medieval Studies, 1978. Reviewed by Steven D. Kirby. 89-94.
Luis Fernández Santos, dir. El Libro de
buen amor del Arcipreste de Hita. Films for the Humanities.
Televisión española, 1980. Reviewed by Mary-Anne Vetterling.
Recordings of Las Cantigas de Santa
Maria Contained in the Facsimile Edition Published by Edilán
(Madrid, 1979), Reviewed by Roger D. Tinnell. 112-13.
Medievalia Fordhamensia. Vol. 1, No. 1
(1981). Reviewed by Joseph Snow. 114.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1981. New
York, NY. December, 1982. Abstracts, Titles. 1-11.
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1981(bis). Oxford. March, 1981. Report. (Lynn Ingamells) 68-80.
Thirteenth-Century Spain, International Conference
on. Los Angeles, CA. April 2-4, 1981. Report. (Robert I. Burns, S.J.) 81.
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference 1981. Lexington,
KY. April 23-25, 1981. Report. (Kathleen Kish and Joseph T. Snow) 82-85.
Kalamazoo: 1981(bis) International Congress on
Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI. May 6-9, 1981. Abstracts, Report, Titles.
(Harvey L. Sharrer and Marilyn A. Olsen) 10.1 (1981): 99-109.