James T. Monroe. ¿Pedir peras al
olmo? On Medieval Arabs and Modern Arabists, 121-47.
Samuel G. Armistead. Speed or Bacon? Further
Meditations on Professor Alan Jones, 148-55.
Manuel Ferrer-Chivite. Las Coplas del
Provincial: Sus conversos y algunos que no lo son, 156-78.
Juan Espadas. Pedro Rodríguez de Lena y
sus papel en el Libro del Passo Honroso, 179-85.
Reinaldo Ayerbe-Chaux. Don Juan Manuel y la
conciencia de su propia autoría, 186-90
J. F. G. Gornall. Trébole de la
niña dalgo: A Traditional Gloss in Three Stanzas?,
Manuel da Costa Fontes. A Sephardic Vestige of
the Ballad Floresvento, 196-201.
Harold G. Jones. Book Review Bibliography
(1981), 214-21.
Oliver T. Myers. [1982] Note on Bibliography of
Medieval Spanish Literature, 221.
Galo Francisco González. Una
versión inédita de la vida de San Patricio, 240-46.
Erminio Braidotti. Eroticism in the Libro de
Buen Amor, Abstract. Diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1981. Director
Samuel G. Armistead. 269.
John S. Miletich. Personalia,
Juan Manuel: A Selection. Ed. Ian MacPherson.
London: Tamesis, 1980. Reviewed by Reinaldo Ayerbe-Chaux. 222-23.
Romances judeo-españoles de Oriente: Nueva
recolección. Ed. Rina Benmayor. Madrid: CSMP and Gredos, 1979.
Reviewed by Reginetta Haboucha. 224-26.
Juan Manuel Cacho Blecua. Amadís:
Heroísmo mítico cortesano. Madrid: Cuspa, 1979. Reviewed by
John R. Maier. 232-34.
An Annotated Discography of Music in Spain before
1650. Comp. Roger D. Tinnell. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval
Studies. 1980. Reviewed by Ned Subletter. 235-37.
Jean Régné. History of the Jews in
Aragon: Regesta and Documents 1213-1327. Ed. Yom Tov Assis, with Adam
Gruzman. Jerusalem: Hebrew University and Magnes Press, 1978. David J. Viera.
Bibliografía anotada de la vida i obra de Francesc Eiximenis
(1340?-1409?). Barcelona: Fundació S. Vives Casajuana, 1980.
Reviewed by Robert I. Burns, S. J. 238-39.
Conference reports
International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and
Renaissance Studies 1981. Villanova University, PA. September 25-27, 1981.
Report. (Harriet Goldberg) 202-04.
British Historians of Medieval Spain 1981.
Heslington, York. September 26-27, 1981. Abstracts. (R.A. Fletcher)
Southeastern Medieval Association 1981. Morgantown,
WV. October 1-3, 1981. Titles. (Patricia W. Cummins) 209.
Louisiana 1982 Conference on Hispanic Languages and
Literatures. (La Chispa). New Orleans, LA. February 18-20, 1982. Report.
(John R. Maier) 210-11.
Plymouth Medieval Forum 1982. Plymouth, NH. April
16-17, 1982. Titles. (Roger Tinnell) 212-13.
Modern Language Association Convention 1981(bis). New
York, NY. December, 1981. Abstracts, Report. (Louise Mirrer-Singer:
Modern Critical Approaches to Medieval Spanish Narrative; H.
Salvador Martínez: Problems in the Medieval Spanish Epic;
Madeleine deGogorza Fletcher: Poetry and Music of Muslim Spain:
zéjeles, muwashshahs, and cantigas) 248-67.
Kalamazoo: 1982(bis) Academy of American Research
Historians on Medieval Spain. Kalamazoo, MI. May 6-9, 1982. Titles. (Robert A.
MacDonald) 268.