J. J. Gwara. Equine Imagery in the Poema de
Mio Cid, 9-20.
John R. Maier. Of Accused Queens and Wild Men:
Folkloric Elements in Carlos Maynes, 21-31.
Barry Taylor. Juan Manuels Cipher in the
Libro de los estados, 32-44.
Alan Jones. Eppur si muove,
Ángel Gómez Moreno. Una forma
especial del tópico de modestia, 71-83.
J. F. G. Gornall. Nuno Fernandes Torneols
Dawn-Song: Lament or Celebration? 84-91.
Yakov Malkiel. A Revisionist View of the
Etymology of OSp., OGal.-Ptg. Trocir To Pass,
Samuel G. Armistead, Joseph H. Silverman and Oro
Anahory-Librowicz. El Rey don García de Galicia y Portugal en un
romance sefardí de Marruecos, 107-12.
David J. Billick. Beyond the MLA: Some
Additional Bibliographies for Medievalists, 113-15.
Henk de Vries. Nueve meses
(Cantar de Mio Cid, 1209), 116-18.
Oliver T. Myers. [1983] Bibliography of
Medieval Spanish Literature, 143-56.
John R. Maier. Personalia, 163-65.
Constance L. Wilkins and Heanon M. Wilkins.
Editors Note, 167.
Women in Hispanic Literature: Icons and Fallen
Idols. Ed. Beth Miller. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California
Press, 1983. Reviewed by E. Michael Gerli. 157-58.
José Romera Castillo. Estudios sobre
El Conde Lucanor. Madrid: Departamento de Filología
Hispánica, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 1980.
Reviewed by Brian Powell. 159-60.
Unique tape recordings of the Cantigas de
Santa María of Alfonso X, el Sabio in the Collection of the
Magnetoteca of the Radio Nacional de España, S.A., Reviewed by
Roger D. Tinnell. 161-62.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1983. New
York, NY. December, 1983. Abstracts, Titles. 1-8.
Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas 1983:
Octavo Congreso. Providence, RI. August 22-27, 1983. Report, Titles. (Steven D.
Kirby) 119-23.
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1983. Manchester. March 21-24, 1983. Abstracts, Report. (Lynn
Ingamells) 124-31.
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference 1983. Lexington,
KY. April 21-23, 1983. Titles. (Kathleen Kulp-Hill) 132-33.
Kalamazoo: 1983 International Congress on Medieval
Studies. Kalamazoo, MI. May 5-8, 1983. Titles. (Ivy Corfis) 134-36.
Coloquio sobre Teatro Medieval en Viterbo (Italia).
Viterbo, Italia. July 10-15, 1983. Report. (Francisco López Estrada)
Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales.
Covadonga. May 30-31, 1983. Report. (Francisco López Estrada) 137.
International Courtly Literature Society 1983, Fourth
Triennial Congress. Toronto. August 8-13, 1983. Report. (Joseph Snow)
Southeastern Medieval Association 1983.
Charlottesville, VA. October 7-8, 1983. Report. (George D. Greenia)