John E. Keller. Another Look at Exemplo
48 in El Conde Lucanor: De lo que acontesçio a uno que provava
sus amigos, 1-9.
Francisco J. Hernández. The Venerable
Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita, 10-22.
Samuel G. Armistead. Current Trends in
Romancero Research, 23-36.
David J. Billick and Steven N. Dworkin. An
Annotated Bibliography of Glossaries, Vocabularies, Word Lists, and
Concordances Based on or Appended to Editions of Medieval Spanish Texts [Part
I], 104-29.
Samuel G. Armistead and Ruth J. Dean. Jottings
from a Monastic Kitchen, 130-36.
L. P. Harvey. ABC in the Lapidario of
Alfonso X = al-uruf al-abjadiyya, 137-141.
Keith Whinnom. The Marquis of Pidal Vindicated:
The Fictional Biography of Juan Rodríguez del Padrón,
Alan Deyermond. Parker the Medievalist,
Martha E. Schaffer and Charles P. Segal. In
Memoriam Alison Goddard Elliott, 148-50.
Samuel G. Armistead and Manuel da Costa Fontes.
In Memoriam Joanne Burlingame Purcell, 151-54.
Brian Powell. Epic and Chronicle: The Poema
de mio Cid and the Crónica de veinte reyes. MHRA
Texts and Dissertations, 18. London; Modern Humanities Research Association,
1983. Reviewed by Alan Deyermond. 71-80.
Josep M. Solà-Solé. Sobre
Árabes, Judíos y Marranos y Su Impacto en la Lengua y Literatura
Española. Barcelona: Puvill Libros, 1983. Reviewed by Linda S.
Lefkowitz. 81-83.
The Book of the Knight Zifar: A Translation of
El Libro del Cavallero Zifar. Trans. Charles L. Nelson.
Lexington, Kentucky: Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1983. Reviewed by Casper J.
Morsello. 84-85.
John A. Alford and Dennis P. Seniff. Literature
and Law in the Middle Ages. A Bibliography of Scholarship. New York and
London: Garland Publishing, 1984. Reviewed by Steven N. Dworkin. 86-88.
D.G. Pattison. From Legend to Chronicle: The
Treatment of Epic Material in Alphonsine Historiography. Medium Aevum
Monographs, New Series XIII. Oxford: The Society for the Study of Mediaeval
Languages and Literature, 1983. Reviewed by Carolyn A. Bluestine. 89-92.
Francisco López Estrada.
Introducción a la literatura española. Quinta
edición revisada. Madrid: Gredos, 1983. Reviewed by Alan Deyermond.
Medieval Manuscripts in the Library of the
Hispanic Society of America: Religious, Legal, Scientific, Historical, and
Literary Manuscripts. Comp. Charles B. Faulhaber. 2 vols. New York: The
Hispanic Society of America, 1983. Reviewed by Richard P. Kinkade. 95-97.
Josep Romeu i Figueras. Poesies populars del
segle XIV procedents del Libre damores i dun manual de
notari. Actes del Cinquè Colloqui Internacional de Llengua i
Literatur Catalanes, Andorra, 1-6 doctubre de 1979. Ed. J. Bruguera
and J. Massot i Muntaner. Monserrat: Abadia de Monserrat, 1980. Pp. 257-85.
Reviewed by Samuel G. Armistead. 98-100.
Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts. Comp.
Charles B. Faulhaber, Ángel Gómez Moreno, David Mackenzie, John
J. Nitti, Brian Dutton. With assistance of Jean Lentz. 3rd ed. Madison:
Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1984. Reviewed by Constance L. Wilkins.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1984. New
York, NY. December, 1984. Abstracts, Titles. 37-43.
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1984. Exeter. March 26-29, 1984. Abstracts, Report. (Lynn Ingamells)
Alfonso el Sabio: A Colloquium. Westfield College,
Univ. of London. March 31, 1984. (Alan Deyermond) 52.
Séptimo Centenario de Alfonso X el Sabio
Congreso Internacional. Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Canada. April 19-22, 1984.
Report. (Gregory Peter Andrachuck) 53-54.
Kalamazoo: 1984(bis) International Congress on
Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI. May 10-13, 1984. Report. (George D. Greenia)
Primer Congreso Internacional Sobre la Juglaresca.
Madrid and Pastrana. July 2-7, 1984. Report. (John Lihani) 57-62.
Infragestellungen, Neue Deutungen, Neue Thesen:
Diskussionsanstösse zur Mediävalistischen Literaturwissenschaft.
Würzburg, Germany. July 4-7, 1984. Report, Titles. (Alan Deyermond)
International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and
Renaissance Studies 1984. Villanova University, PA. September 21-23, 1984.
Report. (Harriet Goldberg) 65-66.
Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference 1984.
Johnson City, TN. October 4-6, 1984. Titles. (Kathleen Kulp-Hill) 67-68.
Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference 1985.
Greenville, SC. October 3-5, 1985. Titles. (Kathleen Kulp-Hill) 67-68.
Southeastern Medieval Association 1984. Richmond, KY.
October 4-6, 1984. Report. (George D. Greenia) 69-70.