Spurgeon Baldwin. Brunetto Latinis
Tresor: Approaching the End of an Era, 177-93.
Andrea Warren Hamos. The Poetic Tradition of
the Drunken Comadres: Lyric and Ballad Congeners, 194-212.
Carol. A. Copenhagen. The Conclusio in
Fifteenth-Century Spanish Letters, 213-19.
Janet L. Falk. The Birth of the Hero in the
Romancero, 220-229.
James. T. Monroe. Poetic Quotation in the
Muwasshah and Its Implications: Andalusian Strophic Poetry as
Song, 230-250.
Roger Wright. How Old is the Ballad
Genre? 251-57.
Grace Benveniste. Five Sephardic Ballads
Collected in Los Angeles, 258-62.
Carol Merrill-Mirsky. The Judeo-Spanish Ballads
from the Island of Rhodes Collected in Los Angeles, 263-67.
Henk de Vries. Sobre dos cantigas
marianas de Juan Ruiz, 268-71.
Wilhelmina L. Jonxis-Henkemans. The Dating of
the Parts of the General Estoria of Alfonso el Sabio, 272-73.
Carlos Sainz de la Maza. Y yo digo que hasta
aquí / llega el confín del sabbat: más sobre los
judíos y el antijudaísmo en la Castilla del siglo XIV,
David Viera. Alfonsine Legends and References
in Eastern Iberia, 280-84.
Luis Antonio Santos Domínguez. La
minoría morisca: apuntes de sociolingüística
histórica, 285-90.
Charles B. Faulhaber and Ángel Gómez
Moreno. BOOST 4, 291-92.
Samuel G. Armistead, Joseph H. Silverman and Oro
Anahory-Librowicz. El Rey don García en el romancero: un nuevo
testimonio, 293-95.
Oliver T. Myers. [1986] Bibliography of
Medieval Spanish Literature, 327-41.
Harold G. Jones. Book Review
Bibliography, 342-46.
Constance L. Wilkins and Heanon M. Wilkins.
Recent Publications, Presentations, and Research in Progress,
Alan Deyermond. In Memoriam Keith Whinnom,
1927-1986, 355-58.
Libro del cauallero
Çifar. Marilyn Olsen, ed. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of
Medieval Studies, 1984. Reviewed by Francisco J. Hernández.
El Rrey Guillelme. John R. Maier, ed. Exeter
Hispanic Texts, 39. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1984. Reviewed by Dennis P.
Seniff. 317-20.
Marina Scordilis Brownlee. The Status of the
Reading Subject in the Libro de buen amor. North Carolina
Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 224. Chapel Hill: Univ. of
North Carolina Press, 1985. Reviewed by John K. Walsh. 321-26.
Conference reports
Américo Castro in Search of a New Hispanic
Humanism: A Symposium to Mark the Centenary of His Birth. Princeton, NJ.
October 18-19, 1985. Report. (Samuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman)
Segundo Simposio Literario Internacional sobre
Aspectos de la Literatura Medieval Española. Ateneo de Madrid. November
25-29, 1985. Titles. (Dennis P. Seniff) 302.
Primer Congreso de la Asociación
Hispánica de Literatura Medieval. Santiago de Compostela. December 2-6,
1985. Titles. (Dennis P. Seniff) 303-06.
Plymouth Medieval Forum 1986. Plymouth, NH. April
11-12, 1986. Titles. (Roger Tinnell) 307.