Nancy F. Marino, Two Spurious Chronicles of
Pedro el Cruel and the Ambitions of his Illegitimate Successors,
David Hook, Further Early Arthurian Names from
Spain, 23-33.
Juan Carlos Conde López, El manuscrito
II-1520 de la Biblioteca de Palacio: un nuevo testimonio del Diálogo
de vita beata de Juan de Lucena, 34-57.
Hugo Oscar Bizzarri, Una copia del siglo XVIII
de los Castigos y documentos del rey don Sancho IV en la
colección Iriarte de la Biblioteca Bartolomé March,
Joel Rini, On the Form connosco in the
Estoria de Espanna II and the Implications of an Overlooked Scribal
Error, 66-85.
Dawn Ellen Prince, A Fourteenth-Century Spanish
Life of St. Lawrence: Madrid, B.N. MS 10252, 86-107.
Dana A. Nelson, Gonzalo de Berceo y el
Alixandre: Vindicación de un estilo. Madison: Hispanic
Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1991. Reviewed by George D. Greenia.
The Lives of St. Mary Magdalen and St. Martha.
Edited by John Rees Smith. Exeter Hispanic Texts, 48. Exeter: University Press,
1989. Reviewed by María Morrás. 115-21.
Bernardo Gordonio, Lilio de medicina Reviewed
by. Critical edition of the Spanish Version by John Cull and Brian Dutton.
Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1991. Reviewed by C.S.F.
Burnett. 121-22.
Francisco López Estrada, y María
López García-Berdoy, eds. Poesía castellana de la Edad
Media. Madrid: Clásicos Taurus, 1991. Reviewed by John E. Keller.
Cultures in Contact in Medieval Spain: Historical
and Literary Essays Presented to L.P. Harvey. Edited by David Hook and
Barry Taylor. Exeter: Short Run Press, 1990. Reviewed by Jane E. Connolly.
Anthony N. Zahareas and Oscar Pereira (with Thomas
McCallum), Itinerario del Libro del Arcipreste: Glosas
críticas al Libro de buen amor. Madison: Hispanic
Seminary, 1990. Reviewed by Steven D. Kirby. 127-29.
Mercedes Vaquero, Tradiciones orales en la
historiografía de fines de la Edad Media. Madison: Hispanic
Seminary, 1990. Reviewed by Heanon M. Wilkins. 130-36.