Colin Smith, A Reading Public for the Poema
de mio Cid, 1-14.
Maximiano Trapero, Testimonios del romancero
judeo-sefardí en las Islas Canarias, 15-23.
Barry Taylor, Wisdom Forms in the Disciplina
Clericalis of Petrus Alfonsi, 24-40.
María Lourdes Simó, Los
conocimientos heráldicos de Mosén Diego de Valera,
John Gornall, Variants, Stanzas, and Sequences:
The Trébole Song as Lírica de tipo
tradicional, 57-65.
Irene Zaderenko, ¿El Autor del Poema
de mio Cid Conocía la Carta de Arras?, 66-71.
Matthew Bailey, The Poema de mio Cid
and the Poema de Fernán González: The Transformation
of an Epic Tradition. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1993.
Reviewed by John S. Geary. 72-79.
Reginetta Haboucha, Types and Motifs of the
Judeo-Spanish Folktales. New York & London: Garland, 1992. Reviewed by
Harriet Goldberg. 79-86.
Julian Weiss, The Poets Art: Literary Theory
in Castile c. 1400-1460. Medium Ævum Monographs, n.s. 14. Oxford:
Society for the Study of Mediæval Languages and Literature, 1990.
Reviewed by John Dagenais. 86-90.
José Hernando Pérez, Hispano Diego
García escritor y poeta medieval y el Libro de
Alexandre. Burgos, 1991. Reviewed by Amaia Arizaleta. 90-94.