Critical Cluster, Gregory S. Hutcheson, Guest
Editor, Inflecting the Converso Voice, 3-5
Dayle Seidenspinner-Núñez,
Inflecting the Converso Voice: A Commentary on Recent
Theories, 6-18.
E. Michael Gerli, Performing Nobility:
Mosén Diego de Valera and the Poetics of Converso Identity,
Gregory S. Hutcheson, Cracks in the Labyrinth:
Juan de Mena, Converso Experience, and the Rise of the Spanish
Nation, 37-52.
Gregory B. Kaplan, Toward the Establishment of
a Christian Identity: The Conversos and Early Castilian Humanism,
Laura Bass, Crossing Borders: Gender, Geography
and Class Relations in Three Serranillas of the Marqués de
Santillana, 69-84.
John Gornall, Two More Cases of Double
Narration in the Cantar de mio Cid, 85-92.
Mark D. Johnston, Poetry and Courtliness in
Baena's Prologue, 93-105.
José María
Rodríguez-García, Palabras y acciones en el Llibre dels
fets del rey En Jaume, 106-27.
Zachary David Zuwiyya, Royal Fame and Royal
Honor in the Rrekontamiento del rrey Alisandre, 128-145.
Information Technology and Hispanic Studies
Two Sessions on Manuscript Studies and the Internet
at the 1996 International Congress on Medieval Studies. Reported by Mark D.
Johnston. 146-52.
Diccionario de la Lengua Española.
Edición en CD-ROM realizada bajo la supervisión del Instituto de
Lexicografía de la Real Academia Española. Reviewed by George D.
Greenia. 153-59
History and Culture of Spain for Windows. 2
CD-ROM disks. Fairfield, CT: Queue, Inc. Reviewed by Mark D. Johnston.
Forum, 163-65
From John Lihani. 163
From Mary Jane Kelley. 164-65
Binkley, Thomas, and Margit Frenk. Spanish
Romances of the Sixteenth Century. Reviewed by Israel J. Katz. 166-68.
Camarena, Julio y Maxime Chevalier.
Catálogo tipológico del cuento folklórico
español: Cuentos maravillosos. Reviewed by Harriet Goldberg.
Circa 1492. Proceedings of the Jerusalem
Colloquium: Litterae Judaeorum in Terra Hispanica. Reviewed by Samuel G.
Armistead. 172-76.
Cruz-Sáenz, Michèle S. de, with Teresa
Catarella. Spanish Traditional Ballads from Aragon. Reviewed by
Elizabeth Boretz. 176-77.
Fueru Xulgu, Volumes I y II. Eds. Montserrat
Tuero Morís y Xosé Lluis García Arias. Reviewed by
Christopher J. McDonald. 177-79.
Gómez Moreno, Angel. España y la
Italia de los humanistas: Primeros ecos. Reviewed by Ignacio Navarrete
Martínez Liébana, Evelio. Los
judíos de Sahagún en la transición del siglo XIV al
XV. Piles Ros, Leopoldo. La judería de Valencia. Estudio
histórico). Reviewed by Eleazar Gutwirth. 182-86.
Mena, Juan de. Laberinto de Fortuna y otros
poemas. Ed. Carla De Nigris. Estudio Preliminar por Guillermo Serés.
Reviewed by Philip O. Gericke. 187-90.
Menocal, María Rosa. Shards of Love: Exile
and the Origins of the Lyric. Reviewed by Mary Jane Kelley. 191-93.
Salvatierra Osorio, Aurora. La muerte, el Destino
y la enfermedad en la obra poética de Y. ha-Levi y S. Ibn Gabirol.
Reviewed by Judit Targarona. 194-96.
Schippers, Arie. Spanish Hebrew Poetry and the
Arabic Literary Tradition: Arabic Themes in Hebrew Andalusian Poetry.
Reviewed by Samuel G. Armistead. 196-99.
Textos medievales de caballerías. Ed.
José María Viña Liste. Reviewed by Michael Harney
Wiegers, Gerard. Islamic Literature in Spanish
& Aljamiado. Yça of Segovia. fl. 1450), His Antecedents &
Successors. Reviewed by Miguel Angel Vázquez. 201-04.
Conference Reports
La Celestina: Aportaciones Interpretativas Actuales.
A Symposium-Curso sponsored by the Universidad Internacional Menéndez y
Pelayo. sede Valencia, Palau de Pineda), March 25-29, 1996. Reported by Joseph
T. Snow. 205-08.
Aspects of Arabic Literature: Classical, Colloquial,
and In-Between. A Conference ... at the University of California, Berkeley,
April 27-28, 1996. Reported by Samuel G. Armistead. 209-13.