Janice Wright, Guest Editor,
Galician-Portuguese Lyric: New Critical Approaches, 5-8.
Josiah Blackmore, Locating the Obscene:
Approaching a Poetic Canon, 9-16.
Charles E.Brewer, The Cantigas d'amigo
of Matin Codax in the Context of Medieval Secular Latin Song, 17-28.
Denise K.Filios, Jokes on soldadeiras in
the Cantigas de Escarnio e de Mal Dizer, 29-39.
Benjamin Liu, Risabelha: A Poetics of
Laughter?, 41-48.
William D.Paden, Contrafacture between Occitan
and Galician-Portuguese, 49-63.
Roy Rosenstein, The Voiced and the Voiceless in
the Cancioneros: The Homosexual, the Jew, and the Muslim as Exclusus
Amator, 65-75.
Janice Wright, The Enemy Within: a
Galician-Portuguese Dawn Song, 77-90.
Reference Bibliography, 91-129.
Critical Cluster: Manuscript Culture in Medieval
H.Salvador Martínez, Guest Editor,
Manuscript Culture in Medieval Spain: Research Trends.A Symposium,
Anthony J.Cárdenas, Ethical Editing at
the End of the Millennium, or >How One Should [Edit] with a View to Greater
Happiness in This World and the Next=, Dagenais xvii., 135-42
Ivy A. Corfis, Glossing Celestina,
Nancy J. Dyer, Gender and Manuscript Culture in
Alfonsine Historiography, 161-71.
H.Salvador Martínez, From Script to
Print: Beyond Textual Criticism in Medieval Spanish Manuscript Culture,
Works Cited in Cluster, 189-94.
Robert Folger, Memoria en Siervo libre de
amor: el papel de la psicología medieval en la ficción
sentimental, 197-210.
Emily Francomano, Saber bien e mal: The Fall
and the Fruits of Reading the Libro de buen amor, 211-26.
John Gornall, How Reliable is a razo?:
Attribution and Genre in Baena 40/556 and 557, 227-41.
Brian Imhoff, The Chronolgy of Old Spanish
-ie Imperfect, 243-55.
John Dagenais, A Readers Response,
Del Valle, José.El trueque s/x en
español antiguo.Aproximaciones teóricas. Reviewed by Steven
N. Dworkin, 271-74.
García, Dulce M.Espada, escudo y espejo: El
lenguaje como tema en las novelas de Diego de San Pedro. Reviewed by
Theresa Ann Sears, 275-76.
José Guadalajara Medina.Las
profecías del Anticristo en la Edad Media. Reviewed by Regula
Rohland de Langbehn, 277-80.
The Miracles of Saint James.Translations from
the ALiber Sancti Jacobi. Reviewed by Jane E.Connolly, 281-82.
Palabra e imagen en la edad media.Actas de las IV
Jornadas Medievales. Reviewed by Richard P.Kinkade, 283-85.
Rodríguez Velasco, Jesús D. El
debate sobre la caballería en el siglo XV.Reviewed by Michael
Harney, 286-87.
La traducción en España ss.
XIV-XVI. Reviewed by Ignacio Navarrete, 288-90.