Emily C. Francomano, Guest Editor, The Riddle
of Incest in Medieval Iberia, 7-14.
George D. Greenia, Teaching Incest in Medieval
Literature, Culture and Law, 15-38.
Teresa Catarella, Doña Urraca and her
Brother Alfonso VI: Incest as Politics, 39-68.
Erik Ekman, Morir vos queredes
padre: Doña Urraca in the Spanish and Portuguese
Romancero, 69-82.
Emily C. Francomano, Negotiating Incest and
Exogamy in La fiyla del rey dungría, 83-102.
Paul Brian Nelson, Alfonso Xs Incestuous
Lady of Roma: A Redemptive Agenda?, 103-122.
Sarah Portnoy, The Transatlantic Ballad of
Delgadina: from Medieval Spain to Contemporary Cuba,
Louise O. Vasvári, The Story of Griselda
As Silenced Incest Narrative, 139-158.
Nadia Altschul, On the Shores of Nationalism:
Latin American Philology, Local Histories and Global Designs,
Carl Atlee, A Reassessment of the Satirical
Nature of Gómez Manriques Coplas para Diego Arias de
Ávila, 173-208.
Adriano Duque, Cómo se exalta a un
héroe: la oración de los castellanos (105-113) en el Poema de
Fernán González y su relación con la Puerta del Juicio
Final de la catedral de León, 209-26.
Stephen Parkinson, The Evolution of Cantiga
113: Composition, Recomposition, and Emendation in the Cantigas de Santa
Maria, 227-72.
Victoria Rivera-Cordero. Enfermedad,
creación poética y autoconciencia en Siervo libre de amor,
David Rojinsky, Teaching Nationalism,
Imperialism and Romance Philology , 293-302.
Questión de amor. Ed. Gregory Peter
Andrachuk. Reviewed by Antonio Cortijo, 303-06.