John K. Moore, Jr. and Thomas D. Spaccarelli, Guest
Editors, The Road to Santiago and Pilgrimage, 7.
Linda Kay Davidson and David M. Gitlitz,
Pilgrimage Narration as a Genre, 15.
Diana Webb, Choosing St. James: Motivations for
Going to Santiago, 39.
Aníbal A. Biglieri, Jerusalén: de
la Gran conquista de ultramar a Pero Tafur, 59.
Rosa Vázquez Santos, Saint James in
Rome: The Vanished Churches, 75.
Jane E. Connolly, The Relationship of Two
Iberian Cults: San Ginés de la Jara and Santiago de Compostela,
Antonio E. Momplet Míguez, El Islam en
el arte del Camino de Santiago, 125.
Ali Asgar Alibhai, The Reverberations of
Santiagos Bells in Reconquest Spain, 144.
Therese Martin, Recasting the Concept of the
Pilgrimage Church: The Case of San Isidoro de León,
Elizabeth Moore Willingham, The Nature of
Pilgrimage in the Queste del Saint Graal 191.
Color plates, 217.
Marta González Vázquez,
Peregrinas y viajeras: Devoción femenina y aventura en el camino
medieval a Santiago de Compostela, 241.
Thomas D. Spaccarelli, Liturgical Reform in
Medieval Spain and the Response of the Pilgrim Movement, 257.
Francisco Singul, La sacralidad del espacio en
el Camino de Santiago, 273.
Javier Domínguez-García,
Simbología jacobea en el imaginario medieval: Iacobus Apostolus en
la crónica Pseudo Turpín y Santiago Matamoros en el
Diploma de Ramiro I, 295.
John K. Moore Jr., Juxtaposing James the
Greater: Interpreting the Interstices of Santiago as Peregrino and
Matamoros, 313.
Stephen B. Raulston, The Harmony of Staff and
Sword: How Medieval Thinkers Saw Santiago Peregrino & Matamoros,
Ryan D. Giles, Tomé senda por
carrera: Finding and Losing the Cross in the Libro de buen
amor, 369.
Taran Johnston, The Empire Strikes Back:
Hagiographic Imagery in the Poema de Fernán
González, 393.
Maryjane Dunn, The Pilgrimage to Santiago de
Compostela: A Bibliographic Update, 415.