Rip Cohen, External Responsion and Textual
Criticism in the Gallician-Portuguese Lyric, 3-24.
Elizabeth Drayson, The Latin Commentary
Tradition and Stanza 70 of the Libro de buen amor: Notes on a Possible
Source, 25-40.
Nuri Creager, The Anxiety of Clerical Celibacy:
From Guibert of Nogent's De quodam Galiciae peregrino a diabolo
decepto to Gonzalo de Berceos El romero engañado por
el Diablo, 41-68.
Clara Pascual-Argente, El cabdal
sepulcro: Word and Image in the Libro de Alexandre,
Jesús Rodríguez-Velasco, La
urgente presencia de Las siete partidas, 97-134.
John T. Culll, A Possible Influence on the
Burgos 1499 Celestina Illustrations: The German 1486 Translation of
Terence's Eunuchus, 135-160.
Forum, Peter Coles The Dream of the
Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492
Ross Brann, Introduction, 161-164
Jonathan P. Decter, A Gathering for Our Time:
The Dream of the Poem as an Anthology, 165-180.
Luis M. Girón Negrón, Fighting
Time with Peter Cole: Notes on His Poetry and Translations of Hebrew
Epigrammatic Verse, 181-194.
Adena Tanenbaum, The Wrong Side of a Turkey
Tapestry: Peter Cole and Academic Translations of Medieval Hebrew
Poetry, 195-208.
María Rosa Menocal, Another Andalusian
Alphabet: An Appreciation of Peter Cole, 209-216.
Peter Cole, Response, 217-220.
Yonsoo Kim. El saber femenino y el sufrimiento
corporal de la Edad Moderna: Arboleda de los enfermos y
Admiraçión operum Dey de Teresa de Cartagena. Reviewed
by Miriam Majuelo Apiñániz, 221-223.
Ana Domínguez Rodríguez, with Pilar
Gajardo. Las Cantigas de Santa Maria: Formas e imágenes.
Reviewed by Joseph T. Snow, 224-227.
Carmen Benito-Vessels. La palabra en el tiempo de
letras: Una historia heterodoxa. Reviewed by Denise K. Filios,
José J. Labrador Herraiz & Ralph A.
DiFranco, eds. Cancionero autógrafo de Pedro de Padilla, manuscrito
1579 de la Biblioteca Real de Madrid. Reviewed by Dorothy Sherman Severin,
Cyrille Aillet, Mayte Penelas, Philippe Roisse, eds.
¿Existe una identidad mozarabe? Historia, lengua y cultura de
cristianos de al-Andalus (siglos IX-XII). Reviewed by Yasmine Beale-Rivaya,
Fernando Andú Resano. El esplendor de la
poesia en la taifa de Zaragoza (409 hégira / 1018 D.C. - 503
hégira / 1110 D.C.) Reviewed by Lourdes María Álvarez,
John S. Miletich, ed. and trans. Love Lyric and
Other Poems of the Croatian Renaissance: A bilingual Anthology. Reviewed by
Joseph T. Snow, 239-240.
Xavier Renedo, and David Guixeras, eds. Francesc
Eiximenis. An Anthology. Reviewed by Montserrat Piera, 241-244.
Arsenio Dacosta, ed. El Libro del linaje de
los señores de Ayala" y otros textos genealógicos: Materiales
para el estudio de la conciencia del linaje en la Baja Edad Media. Reviewed
by Nancy F. Marino, 245-246.