Leonardo Funes, Historiografía
nobiliaria castellana del período post-alfonsí: un objeto en
debate, 5-38
Robey Clark Patrick, Sendebar: A
Literary Rebellion, 39-68
Blanca Garrido Martín,
Prolegómenos para una edición crítica de la
Atalaya de las corónicas, 69-90
Critical Cluster: A Sea of Stories: Writings and
Reflections in Honor of María Rosa Menocal
Lourdes María Alvarez and Ryan Szpiech,
Introduction, 93-110
Peter Cole, More for Santob (de Carrión
14th -c. Castile), 111-113
David Wacks, Translation of Texts and of Relics
as Symbolic Capital in Caballero Zifar, 115-140
Juan Pablo Rodríguez Argente del Castillo,
El Libro del Caballero Zifar como defensa de una identidad
toledana, 141-164
Óscar Martín, El Cantar de
mio Cid de María Rosa Menocal (2009): Una breve nota,
Israel Burshatin, Un palmeral es su
yo: Six postcards for María Rosa Menocal, 171-178
S. J. Pearce, In a Better and Older Language:
The Redemptive Potential of Arabic and Its Translated Fictions,
Gregory S. Hutcheson, Contesting the Mezquita
del Cristo de la Luz, 201-229
Anita Savo, Toledano, ajo,
berenjena: The Eggplant in Don Quixote, 231-252
Michael Sells, At the Red Rise: A
Poem by Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn al-Arabī,
Review Essay
René Pellen, Historia de la medicina y
cultura medieval, 257-290
Enrique-Arias, Andrés, ed. La Biblia
Escorial I.I.6. Transcripción y estudios. Reviewed by Steven N.
Dworkin, 291
López Morillas, Consuelo. El corán
de Toledo. Edición y estudio del manuscrito 235 de la Biblioteca de
Castilla la Mancha. Reviewed by Adriano Duque, 296
Montaner, Alberto et al. Literatura medieval y
derecho. El cronista del Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho.
Reviewed by Daniel Panateri, 299
Villaverde Amieva, Juan Carlos, ed. Homenaxe a
Diego Catalán. Reviewed by Paul B. Nelson, 304
Robinson, Cynthia. Imagining the Passion in a
Multiconfessional Castile: The Virgin, Christ, Devotions, and Images in the
Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Reviewed by Andrew M. Beresford,