6.1 (Fall, 1977)
- Colin Smith. Further French Analogues and
Sources for the Poema de mio Cid, 14-21.
- Roger M. Walker. The Infantes de Carrión
and the Final Duels in the Poema de mio Cid, 22-25.
- R. Brian Tate and collaborators. Bibliography
of Doctoral Dissertations on Themes of Medieval Peninsular Literature,
- Steven D. Kirby. Concordances to Old Spanish
Texts: Present Status and Proposed Future Guidelines, 38-40.
- Harold G. Jones. Early Spanish Manuscripts in
Public Libraries [Ticknor in Boston; Parma, Italy; BNM], 41-45.
- Roger D. Tinnell. An Annotated Discography of
Recordings of Las Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X, el Sabio,
- Harold G. Jones. Texts: Debate entre el vino
y la cerveza, 49-53.
- Oliver T. Myers. [1977] Bibliography of
Medieval Spanish Literature, 59-60.
- Steven D. Kirby. Personalia, 61-64.
- A. Blecua. La poesía del siglo XV.
Literatura española en imágenes, vol. 7. Madrid: Editorial La
Muralla, 1975. Reviewed by Roger D. Tinnell. 40-41.
Conference reports
- Modern Language Association Convention 1977. Chicago,
IL. December, 1977. Abstracts. 3-11.
- South Central Modern Language Association 1977. Hot
Springs, AK. October 27-29, 1977. Abstracts. 12.
- South Atlantic Modern Language Association 1977.
Washington, D.C. Fall, 1977. Abstracts. 13.
- Medieval Academy of America 1977. Toronto. May 11-14,
1977. Report. (Robert I. Burns, Jill R. Webster) 54-55.
- British Historians of Medieval Spain 1977. Edinburgh.
September 23-24, 1977. Report. (R. Brian Tate) 55.
- Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas 1977:
Sexto Congreso. Toronto. August 22-26, 1977. Report, Titles. (Harold G. Jones)