Joseph T. Snow. A Chapter in Alfonso Xs
Personal Narrative: The Puerto de Santa María Poems in the Cantigas
de Santa Maria, 10-21.
Gladys M. Rivera and Roger J. Trienens. The
Cancionero de Íñigo de Mendoza: An Unknown
Fifteenth-Century Edition in the Library of Congress, 22-28.
David Hook. Que lo coma el
escuerço (Libro de buen amor, 1544c), 29-32.
Michael Garcia. La carta de Moisés. [A
Propósito de ¿Envió Moisés una carta a la
Trinidad? (Rimado, MS. E, 866AB) de J.L. Coy], 33-34.
Julian Weiss. A Note on the Imagery in the
Dança General de la Muerte, 35-37.
Samuel G. Armistead. Almanzors Lost
Drum, 38-43.
Patricia E. Grieve. Shelter as an Image Pattern
in the Cantar de Mio Cid, 44-49.
Samuel G. Armistead. Romancero Studies:
1977-79, 57-66.
David J. Billick. Graduate Research on Alfonso
X: A Bibliography of Masters These and Doctoral Dissertations,
Harold G. Jones. Two Fifteenth-Century
Poems, 81-83.
Kathleen Kish. The Wisconsin Seminary of
Medieval Spanish Studies: An Update, 84-87 (cf. correction in 8.2 (1980):
Gisela Dardón Tadlock. NEH Summer
Seminar: From Epic to Ballad in the Hispanic Tradition, 88-89.
Francisco Taracido and Jorge E. Taracido.
Espinas del Romancero [crucigramas], 90-92.
Russell V. Brown. Personalia, 93-94.
Francisco López Estrada.
Introducción a la literatura medieval española. Madrid:
Gredos, 1979. Reviewed by Alan Deyermond. 73-76.
Checklist of Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Hill
Monastic Manuscript Library. Vol. II, Spain, Part 1. Compiled by
Julian G. Plante, with a comprehensive index by Donald Yates. Collegeville, MN:
Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St. Johns University and Abbey, 1978.
Reviewed by Harold G. Jones. 77-80.
Conference reports
Modern Language Association Convention 1979. San
Francisco, CA. December, 1979. Abstracts. 3-9.
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1979. Aberdeen. March, 1979. (Lynn Ingamells) 50-55.
British Historians of Medieval Spain 1979.
Birmingham. September 22-23, 1979. Report. (Derek W. Lomax) 56.
South Atlantic Modern Language Association 1979.
Atlanta, GA. Fall, 1979. Abstract. (Robert R. Stinson) 56.