Harriet Goldberg. The Voice of the Author in
the Works of Gonzalo de Berceo and in the Libro de Alexandre and the
Poema de Fernán González, 100-12.
Brian Dutton, Stephen M. Fleming, and Jineen
Krogstad. A Report on the University of Illinois Cancionero
Project, 113-25.
Alan Deyermond. The Sermon and its Uses in
Medieval Castilian Literature, 126-45.
Marilyn A. Olsen. Three Observations on the
Zifar, 146-48.
Dwayne E. Carpenter. An Egyptian Sain in
Medieval Spanish Literature: St. Macarius the Elder, 149-55.
Samuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman.
Judeo-Spanish Ballad Collecting in the United States, 156-63.
Steven D. Kirby. Legal Doctrine and Procedure
as Approaches to Medieval Hispanic Literature, 164-71.
Anthony J. Cárdenas. A New Title for the
Alfonsine Omnibus on Astronomical Instruments, 172-78.
Oliver T. Myers. [1980] Bibliography of
Medieval Spanish Literature, 187-91.
Steven D. Kirby. Book Review
Bibliography, 192-98.
Samuel G. Armistead. Some Recent Developments
in kharja Scholarship, 199-203.
E. Michael Gerli. A Late Fifteenth-Century
Antifeminist Poem: Fray Antonio de Medinas Coplas contra los vicios y
deshonestidades de las mugeres, 210-14.
Roger D. Tinnell. New Recordings of Las
Cantigas de Santa Maria, 215-16.
Louise Mirrer-Singer. The Language of
Evaluation: A Sociolinguistic Approach to Narrative Structure in the
Romancero del rey don Pedro and in Pero López de Ayalas
Crónica del rey don Pedro, 217-18.
Russell V. Brown. Personalia, 220.
Álvaro Galmés de Fuentes.
Épica árabe y épica castellana. Barcelona: Ariel,
1978. Reviewed by Mercedes Vaquero. 204-07.
Conference reports
Medieval Sermon Studies Conference 1979. Linacre
College, Oxford. July 18-20, 1979. Report. (Marilyn A. Olsen) 179.
International Cooperative Research on the Hispanic
Ballad: A Technical Symposium. San Diego, CA. January 7-9, 1980. (S[amuel] G.
A[rmistead], D[iego] C[atalán], A[ntonio] S[ánchez] R[omeralo])
Louisiana 1980 Conference on Hispanic Languages and
Literatures. (La Chispa). New Orleans, LA. February 28-March 1, 1980.
Report. (Nordenholz, Lillian A.) 183-84.
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and
Ireland 1980. Nottingham. March, 1980. (Lynn Ingamells) 185-86.